E2341 – Letter 4

Letter 4

Your Name
Postal Code

Today’s Date

Prime Minster Trudeau,
Minister Bill Blair,
You MP

House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6


Dear Minister Blair;

I fear my previous letters on the subject of a possible gun ban, or buy back program by the Liberal government may have been too nuanced and verbose. To be clear; Canadians do not support the confiscation of our property via Orders In Council. Canadians do no support targeting law-abiding citizens while ignoring the criminal elements that bring violence to our cities. Canadians do no support a dictatorship that governs by decree rather than through our parliamentary processes. 2.2 millions legal Canadians own firearms and have done nothing to deserve to have their legally owned firearms forcibly removed based on catchy sound bites or scary photos. Canadians do not support the government’s apathy in enforcing policies that target actual criminals, and would bring about real change and safer communities.

Taking every legal gun from ever licensed owner will stop exactly zero criminals from using their illegal handguns, smuggled in to Canada, in the commission of their other crimes.

Canadians deserve better, and we expect you to set a better example.


Your Name