E2341 – Letter 5

Letter 5

Your Name
Postal Code

Today’s Date

Prime Minster Trudeau,
Minister Bill Blair,
You MP

House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6


Dear Minister Blair;

Today I write to you in regard to possible change to the classification of firearms and statements that have been made by Government officials with regard to a federal gun buy back.

The Government is not in the business of selling firearms, so I wonder how you plan to “buy back” something you never sold in the first place? I also wonder what your plan is to address the illegally owned handguns so frequently used by gangsters in the commission of other crimes. As you no doubt heard your successor at Toronto Police Service, Chief Mark Saunders has recently made statements that indicate criminals in Toronto are most frequently in possession of illegal hand guns that have been smuggled into Canada. How do you plan to buy those back?

Perhaps your efforts would be better spent on addressing the rising rates of violent crime in Canada, our high rates of recidivism, or our porous boarders through which so many illegal items are smuggled. Perhaps instead of targeting licensed firearms owners you might approach the difficult task of creating Real Change that the Liberal Party was so found of during the 2015 election? That fondness for change seems to have evaporated in favour of making easy targets of licensed firearms owners, as if 2.2 million Canadians with licensed firearms were a greater threat to public safety than any criminal enterprise in this country.

Perhaps my voice is not worth your time, or perhaps you might do the difficult work you were elected to do. Perhaps a sound bit about doing something, anything, is easier and more satisfying for our Government than actually keeping Canadians safe.


Your Name