E-2341 Letter 3

Letter 3

Your Name
Postal Code

Today’s Date

Prime Minster Trudeau,
Minister Bill Blair,
You MP

House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6


Dear Minister Blair;

I am writing to you to urge you to consider following our established democratic parliamentary process. As a legal, licensed firearms owner for over 10 years I have never harmed anyone, nor have the vast majority of Firearms Possession and Acquisition License holders. As you well know PAL holders are subject to daily Continuous Eligibility Screening. PAL holders are subject to more scrutiny than convicted sex offenders, parolees, or police officers. PAL holders are also statistically the safest, least violent, and least criminally inclined Canadians. The data from Statistics Canada and the RCMP show these facts to be true.

For your government to want use heavy-handed policies via Orders In Council to strip these upstanding Canadians of their privately held property is an affront to both common sense and the rule of law. Prohibiting PAL holders from continuing to own the same semi-automatic rifles we have responsibly used for decades , does nothing to further public safety, and it circumvents the democratic process and discussions of our elected representatives in the House. The governments proposed plan to use Orders in Council to strip law-abiding Canadian’s of their property is unconscionable. You need to take a sober second look at producing real meaningful policy and put less effort into pandering to scared voters in Toronto and Montreal that are fearful of the drug dealers and gangsters using illegal guns to terrorize their cities.


Your Name