CPP278 – Fraudulent Witchcraft


This week Andrew, and Gavin, are joining by Richard. Richard is filling a section 74 challenge regarding the revocation notice he received for his firearms following the May first Order in Council. While some Quebecers are being fined for not following COVID guidelines countless government officials have gone on tropical holidays. The government quietly made changes to the Canadian Pension Plan that will cost you money.


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 278 of Canadian Patriot Podcast. The number one live podcast in Canada. Recorded January 4, 2021.

  • Andrew
  • Gavin
  • Richard

We’d love to hear your feedback about the show. Please visit  canadianpatriotpodcast.com/feedback/ or email us at feedback@canadianpatriotpodcast.com

A version of the show is Available on Stitcher at and iTunes http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=77508&refid=stpr and iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/canadian-patriot-podcast/id1067964521?mt=2

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What are we drinking

Andrew – Orange Ginger Mead
Gavin – Jack & Coke Zero
Richard – 

Patriot Challenge

We’re asking patriots to do 5 things everyday;

    1. Exercise for at least 45 minutes
    2. Practice a skill for at least 10 minutes
    3. Read a book for at least 15 minutes
    4. Drink at least 2 liters of water
    5. Complete 1 task that will improve your life

Grab the template from our website and post it in your social media

Richard’s Section 74 Hearing

To date about 150 section 74 challenges have been filed.  40 in Ontario.  Several hearings have taken place, predominantly in Alberta, but Ontario, NFL and BC.  The Crown has a number of lawyers working on this file.  Most of us are conversing on Signal preparing documents, and coordinating our efforts and sharing info to listen on on the conference calls.  Almost all cases so far have been done through conference calls/zoom.  I’m aware of only one in Ontario that was in court.

So far we have lost one case in BC and one in NFL because the individual didnt proceed correctly and the case got tossed on jurisdictional grounds.  This is the route the government is taking.  The was an “automatic nullification” not a Sec 72 revocation, hence Sec 74 doesnt apply.

A judge in Calgary ruled, nope, this is a revocation as there is no legal mechanism for a nullification.  This is a major win for us, though only applicable to Alberta.  Though the logic of the ruling is useful in other provinces.  In fact, we have already submitted that ruling ahead of up coming hearings.

Here is our approach, refined based on other’s testimonies.

  1. There is no legal avenue for automatic nullification.  Section 12(9)c explicitly states we MUST have continuous ownership of valid certificates when reclassification happens to qualify for grandfathering.  The two are mutually exclusive.  An unwritten interpretation of the law does not trump actual written law.
  2. There is only one person who can clarify what happened for nullification to take place.  And that’s the Registrar of Firearms.  We intend to demand she be subpoenaed as a witness to be asked a number of questions.  One has already done that and been given the go by the judge.
  3. The crown has been throwing everything at the courts, hundreds of pages mailed as their evidence to applicants and the courts.  As if the court is going to read them.  One Crown lawyer spent an hour  babbling about nonsense to a judge, who was not amused at the length of time wasted by the Crown.  So far, the judges have not been impressed with the Crown in any of the cases so far.
  4. This is a long process.  Months to happen.  Patience is required as there will be no quick outcomes.  Many will likely fail, we hope not, but we expect it.  We will use those failures to refine our testimony in subsequent hearings.  We feel we are in a good place to win.  But winning may not, likely wont, fix this entire fiasco.
  5. The orgs involved in the other federal cases are pretty much on board now, especially after the Calgary win.  They are hoping for, and already have, evidence to be exposed that they can use in their cases.  The Crown’s leader claimed in court in Sudbury that the restricted guns no longer exist legally!!!

Listener Feedback

New Patreon Dan R

Email: Vax Episode

Hey Guys,

I just listened to your vax episode, and it seems like you’re missing some information, such as: 

-Gates history of vaccine injury in India (400,000+), & Africa (where they were busted slipping antifertility drugs into tetanus shots), and is responsible for the resurgence of polio worldwide, stemming from his ‘vaccines’.

-It’s not a vaccine. It’s gene therapy, which has never been done before. 

-The history of coronavirus vaccine development in the decades before ‘covid’.

-The false pcr tests

-The CDC recommending 45cycles as standard on pcr (which has a 95% false positive).

-The pcr is not a diagnostic test

-No covid virus has been isolated, or has passed any of Koch’s postulates

-‘Barely’ anyone has reactions to the mmr vaccine should be reexamined; autism, sids, chronic fatigue syndrome, fybromyalgia, porphyria (which I got from the 1977 swine flu shot- another false flag) are all vaccine damage. 

-The darpa technology ties specifically to the covid ‘vaccines’.

-The 2010 rockefeller foundation lockstep document.

-Bill Gates’ contact tracing technology contract signed in Aug 2019.

-Event 201, Nov 2019.

-Bill Gates is a eugenicist, and the people pushing this want depopulation. They have paid out over 4.4B just since 1980, just in the US alone in vaccine injury court.

-Trudeau is not stupid, he’s running the debt as high as possible so as to give us no choice but to borrow from the IMF, which will have WHO guidelines attached.

You might want to reevaluate your thoughts on this covax, if these are points you haven’t yet considered.

Cheers Mates

I could go on, but


Dear Peasants

Ontario finance minister resigns after tropical vacation


Holiday jet-setters: A list of politicians confirmed to have left Alberta for warmer climates


Saskatchewan cabinet minister in California to sell home, premier aware of trip


Meanwhile in Quebec… 

Gatineau police issue fines, arrest two during confrontation over private gathering on New Year’s Eve


Montreal police receive nearly 700 calls for COVID-19 violations over holidays


Canadian Pension Plan changes

Planned increase in CPP premiums on Jan. 1 to hit some workers more due to pandemic



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Andrew – https://ragnaroktactical.ca/

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We value your opinions so please visit www.canadianpatriotpodcast.com/feedback/ or email us at feedback@canadianpatriotpodcast.com and let us know what you think.

Apologies to Rod Giltaca

Remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”

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