Canadian Patriot Podcast Episode 47 – Carbon Pricing


This week, Gavin, Marty, Richard, and Andrew get together to talk about the Carbon Tax pricing scheme being proposed by the federal government. The panel took part in a Ragnarok Tactical Carbine Course and share their experiences. In the news the panel covers MP Monsef’s citizenship, and giving money to Iraq instead of spending it on Canadians. Canadian Patriot Podcast in partnership with the International Liberty or Death Podcast is putting on the Fuck Cancer Charity Shoot in support of the Latimer Family on Nov 5 at Guelph Rod and Gun Club.

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Canadian Patriot Podcast Episode 46 – Bryan with a Y


This week Andrew is joined by Bryan with a Y from Modern Rifleman Radio. Bryan and Andrew discuss Andrew’s win at the Ontario CQB championship, an upcoming charity shoot for the Latimer Family. In the news we talk about the RCMP asking rural Saskatchewan residents to put away their guns, Montreal’s pitbull ban, a University of Toronto prof “attack” on political correctness, terror suspect takes a selfie with Little Potato. In the Philpott report we talk about Liberal staffers expensing over 1 Million dollars in moving expenses. We also talk about why only the police and military should have guns. Andrew also has the best hang up on Bryan of any podcaster to date.

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Canadian Patriot Podcast Episode 45 – Minimum Wage


This week Marty, Gavin, and Andrew get together to talk about booing Wynne, Medak pocket, a Make America Great Again hat ruining the safe space at Mount Royal University, Trudeau attending a gender segregated mosque, and the weekly Philpott report. The main topic this week is Alberta’s unemployment rate, and minimum wage hike.

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Canadian Patriot Podcast Episode 44 – #BayonetsOutForHarambe

#BayonetsOutForHarambe this week Gavin, Marty, and Andrew get together to talk about the ludicrous cost of hydro in Ontario and why Premier Wynne suddenly considers it to be a crisis; spoiler alert it’s because she lost a by-election. We also talk about the Federal government approving prescription heroine, Trudeau now being ok with sending troops overseas, no lower taxes for the middle class, and we touch on mincome.

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Canadian Patriot Podcast Episode 43 – Gun Control Eh


We have a special edition of the show this week, recorded on a Friday. Tracey Wilson, Trevor Furlotte, and Kelly of the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights join Marty, Tyler, and Andrew to talk about Gun Control in Canada. Unfortunately Skype blew up mid way through the episode and we didn’t get everything recorded we meant to, so you’re stuck with Andrew at the end.

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