This week Gavin, Angela, and David call in from SHOT show. Andrew, Marty, and Ian cover the current events in Canada. Ontario rolls back OSAP grants, Ontario teachers accused of violating provincial election rules. A Toronto cop is punished for leaving his pistol at a bar, while Kitchener police investigate loud noises. The Canadian military invests money in weed simulators, and the TAPVs are off to a rough start with rollovers and fires.
CPP166 – Opiate of the Masses
This week Ian, Marty, Gavin, and Andrew have a huge variety show. Some people might call it very very big. The panel covers free speech on Ontario Campuses, free opioids for Vancouver addicts, Mincome, taxes on the middle class, the purchase of Aussie F-18s, the slow death of Canada’s military, a 1.8B decrease to veteran pensions, and an American who’s very sorry for smuggling 67 guns into Canada.
This week Ian, Marty, Gavin, and Andrew talk about an up and coming political party in Ontario. The Islamic Party of Ontario, while not yet a party, plans to implement a new never before tried economic system that abolishes capitalism, reduces the size of government, and dictates every other aspect of how to live in Ontario, but they do want 100% renewable energy. Listen as the panel reads the poor grammar in the party website and debate the policy points.
CPP164 -GTA Gun Ring
On this special singe topic bonus episode Ian, Gavin, and Andrew get together to discuss a criminal firearms manufacturing syndicate in the Greater Toronto Area that has been dismantled by police. The panel takes some honest journalism to contrast with the deceptive journalism. The panel also covers 80% frame/receivers and firearms manufacturing. The lugenpresse naturally glossed over the millions of dollars worth of narcotics that were recovered along with the guns.
CPP163 – Senate Reform
This week Marty, Ian, Gavin, and Andrew get together to discuss symbolic and useless gesture of a gun ban while the Coalition for Gun Control finally admits their goal of disarming all Canadians. In election news, there will be an election, October 21, 2019, the Senate might be reformed but probably not, and it should just be abolished. In Newfoundland its illegal to publish videos of dildo thieves, and in Ontario the Lugenpresse lament their ineptitude by blaming Premier Ford.