This week there is a very full panel as we move to a 830 eastern recording time. The Liberal government suddenly wants to grow the CAF. New information about poor leadership decisions by the RCMP in the Portapique mass killing comes to light. The CBC admits that it was running fake news about the Freedom Convoy.
CPP339 – It’s Pronounced Poutine
This week the panel covers the SIU report in the shooting of Roger Kotanko, the Federal Court extends timetable of firearms-ban challenges, the Liberals plan to introduce proactive firearms legislation. Russia has invaded Ukraine and our government is treating that much differently then they treated Canadians, also we’re throwing out perfectly good alcohol in Ontario. It turns out FINTRAC thinks people that donated to the freedom convoy are fed up, and not terrorists.
CPP338 – Long Range Shooting Handbook
February Book and Rifle Club is Ryan Cleckner’s Long Range Shooting Handbook: The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Precision Rifle Shooting.
CPP337 – Consensual Domination
This week Andrew, Gavin, Liz, Peter and Pierre are on the panel to talk about the necessity of the Emergencies Act, which was definitely one hundred percent required to stop violent terrorists from occupying Ottawa and take away their access to the financial system. The Government even promised to not abuse these extraordinary powers, and will revert them as soon as the crisis ends.
CPP336 – 18 Months
This week Andrew, Gavin, Liz, Peter, and Pierre recap current events. There is breaking news of the Government implementing the Emergency Act, formally the War Measures Act. Updates in the wrongful death of Ontario gunsmith Rodger Kotanko. Updates in the 2020 Nova Scotia mass murders. Firearms news, and the Freedom Convoy continues… for now.