This week the panel discusses the increase in firearms smuggling, the Coalition for Gun Control being denied intervener status in court cases related to the OIC prohibiting many common firearms, and an update on the Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Commission.
CPP364 Hippie-ki-yay
The panel discusses TACCOM and the best and worst things about trade shows. Alberta is getting more staff and funding for their Chief Firearms Office. Pierre Poilievre takes over the leadership of the Conservative party. The panel argues about slippery slopes
CPP363 – The Most Dangerous Game
August book club is the shortest book we have read, the panel discusses Richard Connell’s The Most Dangerous Game
CPP362 – Drunk Philosophy
This week, Andrew and Pierre got together to imbibe and pontificate, and eventually are joined by Peter, and even more eventually by Liz. The panel follows up on the alleged Residential School mass graves, and discuss how ArriveCAN is a steaming turd of an app. Veterans Affairs Canada is now offering unsolicited Medical Assistance in Dying, and it turns out that it’s shockingly easy in Canada to elect to have a physician end your life. Saskatchewan challenges the feds to provide a reason why federal employees are trespassing on farms and gathering water samples.
CPP360 L’Anana
This week the panel talks about the new steps in the Liberal government’s plan to abuse licensed firearms owners while actively ignoring criminals using firearms illegally, after smuggling those firearms in to Canada. Since the government can’t pass C-21 and “freeze” the legal transfer of ownership of pistols, they have decided they will stop issuing import permits for licensed firearms businesses. Don’t worry though it’s been 2 years since the AR15 prohibition and the government has announced a figure to “buyback” all of the assault rifles and has no infrastructure to actually complete the buyback.