E-2341 – Letter 1

Letter 1

Your Name
Postal Code

Today’s Date

Prime Minster Trudeau,
Minister Bill Blair,
You MP

House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6


Dear Minister Blair;

I am writing to you today to express my deep concern with actions your government is taking to unfairly target lawful gun owners. You have stated publicly that you would be using an Order In Council to ban legally acquired firearms from lawful owners and would be implementing a buy back program. I find these measures to be an egregious overreach of executive authority and a waste of valuable taxpayer resources. I urge your government to reconsider investing this money in programs and measures to combat crime, support at risk youth initiatives and community programming. It is incumbent on you and your colleagues to make every legitimate effort to fight actual crime and to bring forth your ideas to the Commons where it may be studied and debated by all Members of Parliament. It is imperative you keep in mind that western Canada fully rejected the policies and platforms of your government and overall Liberal support was greatly diminished.


Your Name