This week Andrew is away, so Gavin, Tim, Marty, and Benny get together and drive the crazy train. This week in non-fake news the panel covers Jordan Peterson, and Trudeau’s sunglasses. Liberal riding chair Mark Elyas picks a fight with gun owners. Water balloon fight ends with fine, Trudeau’s Indian vacation cost $1.5M. The RCMP jump the gun on new gun laws in Bill C71. Senate passes the pot bill, hearing claims are up for the military, and Doug Ford kills the Green Ontario Fund.
Month: June 2018
CPP138 – Party Status
This week Gavin, Tim, Benny, and Marty join the panel to talk about the initial news from the G7 summit and the outcome of the Ontario Election.
CPP137 – Decay
This week Tim, Gavin, and Andrew get together to talk about the decay of our society. Police officers shooting themselves, more figures being released about the 150 skating rink, and a corrupt cop catching a 12 year prison sentence. There is more Ontario election news, including more NPD shenanigans. The federal government buying the trans-mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan. Plus tons of gun crime being committed in Toronto by criminals, not licensed gun owners, what a shock. For fun Andrew’s internet connection got wonky a couple times too.
CPP136 – New Dumpsterfire Party
This week Tim, Marty, Gavin, and Andrew talk about CRA employees being disciplined, Ontario’s Doug Ford promising the return of buck a beer, Ontario Liberal party promising to use unspent dollars to pay off the debt, and the dumpster fire that that ontario NDP has become.