CPP230 – Brad Manysiak interview


This week Brad Manysiak joins Canadian Patriot Podcast to talk about his e petition, e-2341, and the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights. Thank you, Brad, for everything you are doing for the community and your involvement with the CCFR! 


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 230 of Canadian Patriot Podcast, the number one live podcast in Canada. Recorded May 20, 2020. 

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What are we drinking

Andrew – Grant’s Scotch Whisky
Brad – Rye & coke

Interview with Brad Manysiak

  1. How did you get involved with firearms?
  2. What prompted you to start petition e-2341?
  3. Can you explain the e petition process? Was it difficult to get MP Motz onboard?
  4. What’s your take on MP May’s interruption of the reading of e-2341?
  5. What is your involvement with the CCFR?
  6. You’ve recently started to direct the “CCFR Action Group”, what is that, how does someone get involved?
  7. What do you think will happen with the 3 new e petitions?
  8. What other avenues beyond petitions can we explore? Do you have any thoughts on the legal actions announced by the various orgs?


Andrew – https://ragnaroktactical.ca/

Visit us at www.canadianpatriotpodcast.com


We value your opinions so please visit www.canadianpatriotpodcast.com/feedback/ or email us at feedback@canadianpatriotpodcast.com and let us know what you think.

Apologies to Rod Giltaca

Remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”

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