This week there are two Andrews on the show, with Gavin, Liz, and Peter. The panel talk about immigration, and new Canadians leaving for greener shores, while 35% of refugees remain on welfare after a decade. The panel look at some of the more unusual items in the Federal Budget. Despite the panels’ best efforts, they don’t actually discuss much of the budget.
CPP344 – Liz has the talking stick
This week the panel has a meandering conversation spurred by listener feedback. It’s kind of about CAF recruitment, it’s kind of about immigration, it’s kind of about tribes and communities. But most of all, it’s about interrupting Liz.
CPP343 – Honk Everywhere
This week Andrew, Gavin, Pierre, Liz, Peter and Benny are on to discuss Aprils fools, and the choices the government made that are in fact not at all funny.
CPP342 – Extreme Ownership
For March’s book club; Andrew, Gavin, and Pierre, discuss Jocko Willink,and Leif Babin’s Extreme Ownership.
CPP341 – Statistics Are A Lie
This week the panel discusses the 18 month delay on the buyback of the newly prohibited firearms. Turns out the government doesn’t have a plan for a buyback, there wasn’t a plan when the Order In Council was released and in nearly 2 years there is still no plan. There are several hypothetical discussions about how the government could work if the Prime Minister was not a Member of Parliament, and the panel still doesn’t get around to talking about Conservative leadership. Andrew’s tin foil hat ended up causing some interference with the microphone.