CPP349 – Double Blind Study
This week, the panel discusses how the RCMP didn’t request or use the emergencies act to deal with the Freedom Convoy protestors, the Ontario government passed Bill 100 to limit political opposition, and a school in BC assigns inappropriate homework to kindergarteners.
CPP348 -Haberdashery
This week Andrew, Benny Gavin, Pierre, and Liz, talk about the requirements to transfer non-restricted firearms that sounds suspiciously like a long gun registry. Mass shootings are caused by toxic masculinity, and the Nova Scotia mass killing spree perpetrator smuggled guns in from the US where he obtained them illegally, shocking.
CPP347 – That’s Not A Camel
This week, the panel covers the Federal Liberal motion to adjourn the House without notice and call late-night sittings, which they definitely won’t abuse or misuse. The Canadian Forces could become so woke that religions that don’t treat everyone equally may be removed from the chaplaincy. The panel also discuss the difference between the Arabian and Australia Camel, and the Great Emu War. Lock and load your Lewis gun as we go on safari.
CPP346 – Animal Farm
For April book club, the panel discusses another Orwellian classic, Animal Farm.