CPP146 – 2 Stars


This week Marty and Andrew talk about the goings on in gun news in Canada, and how handgun bans won’t be effective at curtailing crime in urban centers. We also get triggered by the removal of a statue. Plus the most listener feedback in a single episode.


Hello to all you patriots out there in podcast land and welcome to Episode 146 of Canadian Patriot Podcast, the number one LIVE podcast in Canada. Recorded Monday August 13 2018.

Andrew – I’m a recovering libertarian, competitive shooter, and firearms instructor at Ragnarok Tactical

Marty – Hunter Sport shooter in rural southern ontario

We’d love to hear your feedback about the show. Please visit  canadianpatriotpodcast.com/feedback/ or email us at feedback@canadianpatriotpodcast.com

A version of the show is Available on Stitcher at and iTunes http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=77508&refid=stpr and iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/canadian-patriot-podcast/id1067964521?mt=2


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Arrowhead Coffee

Arrowhead Coffee is Owned and Operated by Canadian Armed Forces Veterans. They love our Country, the True North Strong and Free, their family and friends. Join Arrowhead Coffee on their hunt for the perfect brew to raise morale and bring that feeling of home to you, no matter where you are. A portion of all profits helps Canadian Armed Forces Members, Veterans and their Families.

What Are We Drinking

Andrew – Crown Royal Maple

Marty – Coors Banquet

Oxford Shotgun Match

Marty was a Match Director, Earl was there in spirit.


Local musician, 2 police officers ID’d as 3 of 4 Fredericton shooting victims



Premier Doug Ford opposes ban on handgun sales in Toronto



Fredericton man accused in shootings was ‘recluse’ addicted to video games, friend says



Firearm stolen from unmarked RCMP vehicle parked at Saskatoon business overnight



Canada can’t say where its crime guns are coming from



Victoria to remove statue of Sir John A. Macdonald, a ‘painful reminder of colonial violence’, from city hall



Ontario government wants statue of Sir John A. Macdonald that Victoria has put into storage



Of course there is no mention of Pierre Elliott Trudeau who oversaw residential schools from 1968-1984

Trudeau told Mulroney, “I do not think the purpose of a government is to right the past. It cannot rewrite history. It is our purpose to be just in our time.”

Rapid Fire Feedback


Author: Atrixsaysfixthis

Rating: ??

Title: You’d think they’d improve after so many episodes.

Review: I’m a fiscally conservative gun owning Canadian with a degree in the STEM field so I thought this podcast would be up my alley. Basically it’s a group of extremely beta Canadians submitting to their American daddy who calls in and leads them around by the ball sack. It’s a fact-free zone where opinions are based on poorly informed feelings. 2 stars because the gun talk is somewhat on point.



New subscriber here. Just wanted to say thank you Canadian news podcasts that are not left leaning are hard to come by, let alone a good one. Thank you for filling that void for us.


From: Ron

Subject: Trudeau & Tory Letter

Message Body:

Hey guys! Please read on air if you think this is worth while!

Dear Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Tory,

STOP! Stop slandering the 2.1 million firearms owners in Canada! Stop painting us as “the bad group”! It has been proven time and again we are not your problem! Stop being so naive! Stop ignoring the facts! Criminals are already not obeying your laws! What could possibly make you think they will start?

We have heard a lot about gun control and the erroneous ideas that Bill C-71 or any further gun control measures would make us safer. But your government also introduced Bill C-75 that would allow a large number of indictable criminal offences to be tried as summary offences (read lower sentence or none at all). Things such as Section 357, which covers Bringing into Canada Property Obtained by Crime (read gun smuggling) and Section 467.11 (1) Participation in Activities of Criminal Organization (hmmm….oh yes gun smuggling). Of particular interest Section 83.18(1) which is Participation in Activity of Terrorist Group could also be punished as a summary offence!! All of these offences were indictable offences. Now your government is set to quietly turn these offences into hybrid offences, where the court could decide on a much lighter sentence than previously. So in summary, your government wishes to “clamp-down” on the law abiding firearm owning population, but “relax” it’s hold on actual criminals and terrorists, who are smuggling and illegally using firearms!

Perhaps Mr. Trudeau you could tell me how further harassment and restrictions through Bill C-71 or any other proposed firearms ban, on a population that is 6 times less likely to commit ANY criminal offence (licensed firearm owners), matched with a softer stance on criminals through Bill C-75, will make anyone safer. But I guarantee you cannot. Because it will not. In fact it will become less safe. When morally and ethically minded people are restricted from owning firearms and criminals receive lighter or no jail terms, crime will increase. Criminals 1; Us 0.

Make a smart decision for Canadians; leave the 2.1 million legal firearms owners alone and properly concentrate on the criminal activities of criminals.




From Better Andrew

Hey Guys!

I was bored at work and decided to do some napkin math in between the multi-million dollar hourly sales I get and found out some info about carfentanil.

It’s used to sedate elephants, rhinos or other large animals. The average dose is 2.1 micro-grams per kilo, which works out to be 12,600 or 0.0126 grams for a 6,000 kg African bush elephant. That still leaves enough to properly dose over 3.3 million elephants. Talk about a wild party!

Wish I could have been on the show for that, but that triple back-flip I did on my motorcycle didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted it to.

Anyways, I got to go, Jeff Bezos is calling me again for more computers.

Better Andrew


Andrew – https://ragnaroktactical.ca/

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We value your opinions so please visit www.canadianpatriotpodcast.com/feedback/ or email us at feedback@canadianpatriotpodcast.com and let us know what you think.


and remember “You are the True North Strong and Free”


Music used under Creative Commons licenses

The last ones by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Smoke_Factory/The_last_ones

Epic by Bensound http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/epic

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